Imran Khan's Accountability Movement It is wonderfully said by Jim Morrison ; “Whoever controls the media, controls the mind”. Recently I came across one of private news channel, talk show, where experts & IK ex-wife, were criticizing Imran khan’s way of politics. The entire program was run to malign Imran Khan. To say the least, the bottom line criticism they raised are: 1- Imran Khan hasn’t got any planning. 2- He is using rallies as a tool for achieving suspicious objectives. 3- “No End Game” from him that is out-put or end result. Well, I carefully watched the full-length show, it was on the recent move of imran khan toward accountability. Here, I’d briefly like to answer their objections and criticism over imran khan politics. A: Without planning how Pakistan Tehreek E Insaf evolved from 1996 till date. The standing of PTI in 90’s, and 2000’s are two different stories, that’s how Khan innovate PTI with time. Now it’s mainstream ...
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