Lock-Down - Pakistan & World By: Mati Khan Yousafzai, Geoscientist Covid-19 originated in China’s city of Wuhan, declared ‘pandemic’ by World Health Organization on 11 th March 2020. Its exponential increase in cases and spreading rate has shaken the entire world. Around the globe it has been spread to 210 countries. As there’s no vaccine to treat the virus, therefore countries are adapting different strategies to tackle the dire situation. Due to Lack of any proper treatment and vaccination, the world is adjusting to a new normal that are to isolate people, maintain social distancing, restrictions on crowd and gatherings. To achieve the desire results and minimize the spread governments following different model: complete lock down, no lock-down i.e. herd immunity, while others following a partial lock down. In a developing country like Pakistan, we need smart-lock down. ...
Manzoor Pashteen Saga: IT is not surprised in a country like Pakistan, where you meet with new names, new faces after every episode. We saw Khadim Rizvi for the first time who locked down Duo cities Rawalpindi and Islamabad, and had made it difficult for citizens to move. Similarly Pir Hameeduddin Sialvi who took charge after Khadim, And most of all the famous Canadian character Dr. Tahir Ul Qadri - A seasonal bird. Pakistani's are now introduced with the new face "Manzoor Pashteen". Pashteen's slogans are not religious but based on ethnic factor. He wants Pukhtoon rights, identity, freedom. He thinks Pukhtoon's are marginalized and victimized by Pakistan Army based on language. He thinks Pukhtoons are being discriminated for being Pukhtoon. So many speculations and rumors are blowing in the air. Lets not talk about those rumors, the point and reality is, from last few years terrorist sanctuaries in Pakistan specially in FATA has been demolis...